30. JANÚAR 2016 | 30 JANUARY 2016
KL. 15.00 | 3 PM

Mirjam Tally  -  Warm life at the foot of the iceberg
Hildur Guðnadóttir  -  Point of Departure
Anna Þorvaldsdóttir  -  Impressions
Rachel Stott  -  The Dancing of the Sunbeams
Þráinn Hjálmarsson  -  Lucid / Opaque                      
María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir  -  Spirals

Nordic Affect mætir á Myrka Músíkdaga með efnisskrána Warm life at the foot of the iceberg sem býður upp á fjölbreyttan tónheim og nánd. Meðal verka er afrakstur fyrsta samstarfs hópsins við Mirjam Tally og Þráinn Hjálmarsson ásamt Íslandsfrumflutningi á einleiksverki eftir Rachel Stott. Jafnframt verða frumflutt ný verk eftir Önnu Þorvaldsdóttur, Hildi Guðnadóttur og Maríu Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttur en verk þeirra er að finna á nýjustu plötu Nordic Affect Clockworking sem hlotið hefur frábærar móttökur og fékk m.a. Hannis Brown frá hinum virta miðli Q2 Music til að skrifa; “…a brilliantly sensitive sound mixed more like up-close ambient music than chamber music, and it's one of the most evocative releases edging on either category in recent memory.”

Nordic Affect returns to Dark Music Days with the program Warm life at the foot of the iceberg, set to offer a varied and intimate listening experience. The lineup features the result of Nordic Affect’s first time collaborations with Thráinn Hjálmarsson and Mirjam Tally and Icelandic premiere of a work by Rachel Stott.  Furthermore, the event includes the ensemble’s continued work with Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Hildur Gudnadottir and María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir. Their works were featured on Nordic Affect’s latest album, Clockworking, which prompted Q2 Music’s Hannis Brown to write; “…a brilliantly sensitive sound mixed more like up-close ambient music than chamber music, and it's one of the most evocative releases edging on either category in recent memory.”

Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir, fiðla
Guðrún Hrund Harðardóttir, víóla
Georgia Browne, flauta
Hanna Loftsdóttir, selló
Guðrún Óskarsdóttir, semball

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